
Showing posts from March, 2020

Film Opening Rough Draft

Robbery - Rough Draft

Editing Week Two

I completed the entire film opening by the end of week one, I just had to add in audio and sound effects. The picture above was taken when I uploaded our film opening to youtube.  Audio effects: I spent a good amount of time going through the free audio/sound effeect options on imovie until I realized that they don't have many that fit with an action/adventure movie, so I settled with my best option. I only put this song during the intro where I introduced my group members' names and when there were moments of silence during the action. I also added a banging noise when the title came up and at the end because I thought it added drama. Lastly, I added a footsteps sound effect at the beginning when the robbers where approaching the bank.  Amount of time: 1 hour People involved: Carson and Sarah

Editing Week One

Title and font: We wanted the title of our movie to be short, preferably one word, so that it could have a bigger impact on the viewer. Therefore, we settled on the title "Robbed" as it gets right to the point about the plot of our movie. When editing the opening, I wanted the title to be bold and to take up most of the screen. Video effects/transitions: I tried to stay away from using video effects because I think they can look cheesy, but I used a couple transition effects towards the end. After Kelsey was talking to her mom, I used the "fade to white" effect because I thought it was a pretty transition to the airport scene. I also used "fade to black" after zooming in on Saoirse's drivers license because I thought it created a dramatic effect. Audio effects: *I put in audio on the second week* Problems: I still have a very hard time using premier pro, so after about an hour of trying to figure out how to use it again, I switched to imovie ...