Graphic Organizer and Essay

Graphic Organizer


Editing, sound, camera shots, and mise-en-scene are all elements that are used to shape a movie's plot. In the first five minutes of Marvel’s Agent Carter, these elements are used to do just that.
             To begin, an element that is clearly used in the clip is editing. Within the first few shots, the editor uses parallelism to show that the emotions shown by two characters are similar. By cutting back and forth between Peggy and Steve, the editor showed both sides of the situation during the action. This built perspective created an understanding of emotion. Another editing technique that was used is simultaneity.  Simultaneity was also used when Peggy tied up the man. As the man sat against the wall, the shot switched over to the other three men in a different room. As the first man yelled for help, the others are shown to be looking around in concern at the same time. This shows the separate perspectives. Towards the end of the clip, the editor used simultaneity to create suspense. When Peggy fought the two men in front of the store, the shots kept cutting back and forth between Peggy and the tired man yawning. This showed a clear contrast between these two characters and their situations. The cross cutting emphasized this.
         In regards to sound, in the opening shot of the clip, the Marvel logo is displayed over the sound of Peggy speaking to Steve, which quickly transitioned into a shot of the two characters. By using a sound bridge like this, the audience was drawn into the action without the use of introduction. A combination of direct sound and indirect sound was also used. The sounds provided context and also build up strong emotions of urgency from the very start of the movie. Later in the clip, music was used as a transition from the past to the present. Following the calm music was the sound of a buzzer, an example of diegetic sound.
         In addition, different camera shots and angles were used to convey different messages. For instance, a close shot was used to emphasize a point in the movie. There was a close shot of a paper with a large red stamp that said “zodiac”. While the paper is only shown quickly, the close shot emphasized the importance of the word “zodiac” and provided background information for another scene when "zodiac" was included again. When the clip transitioned from the fight scene to the city scene one year later, an establishing shot of New York City was used to display the new setting. The city appeared very peaceful in comparison to the fighting scene.
          Lastly, mise-en-scene was used. First, the costume was very distinct and important. Peggy appeared to be put together throughout the clip, which is a sharp contrast from her tough demeanor. The clothing also appears to be very dated. With simple suits and simple skirts, the setting appears to take place sometime in the early 20th century, which could end up being important later on in the film. Mise-en-scene is also shown with the objects in the shots. For example, one scene showed an old car parked on the street, which again suggested an early 20th century time period. Another important element of mise-en-scene was the staging. In the office scene where the buzzer went off repeatedly, the camera angle shows the men from an equal level so the men at their desks appear to be similar to each other. In doing this, the editor sent the message that none of the men are particularly unique. The men also form a sharp contrast from the only women shot, Peggy.


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